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Learn who to use subliminal messages in every day life
Subliminal Messaging Making it work for you with ease
Subliminal refers to the brain and its function that gives direction to the individual s thoughts. It is that part of the brain that is below the threshold of sensation or below the normal consciousness. The normal conscious part of your brain makes up roughly 20 percent of the brain and the remaining 80 percent is the subconscious.
Subliminal messaging differs from the power of suggestion in that subliminal messaging affects the sub consciousness
There are some who hold that the sub conscious part of the brain recycles all that has happened to the conscious part of the brain during the day. This recycling occurs during your rest period. Most predominately at night when you are in a very deep sleep. All of the thoughts and actions are filed away in the sub conscious or the subliminal area of the brain. The thoughts and actions are called upon by the conscious part of the brain as you need them.
Subliminal messages are a part of your unrecognized conscious thoughts that are picked up by the ears, eyes, nose, and touch and conveyed to the sub conscious area of the brain.
Here is a quick example of subliminal messaging. A young couple posted a picture of their dream home on the refrigerator and started saving to buy the home. Several months latter the young couple saw a power lawn mower at a garden center. They immediately bought the lawn mower. When they arrived home they discovered that they had a ten foot by twenty foot lawn and no need for a lawn mower.
A closer look at the picture of their dream home showed the exact same lawn mower parked on the front lawn. This is subliminal messaging at its best.
You can choose the direction of your subliminal thoughts by focusing on the things you wish to change in your life. One of the simplest ways to direct your subliminal thoughts are to acquire video tapes on your subject of interest.
Should you not wish to view videos because you fear of what they may contain, you may write down your desired changes. Affirmations are powerful tools. Write down several, formulate them positive and in present tense. Read through them once a day and magic will happen
Always word your affirmation in the present tense. Such as I me, my.
Write down a plan of the things you are trying to change about yourself.
Try to get to the root cause of the things you wish to change. Why do you overeat, how did your get into this financial mess. Give your self a way out, a plan of action, such as I will never buy on credit again.
Read through your present tense list daily.
Subliminal messaging is very safe and can be most helpful when used to bring order to your life. The sights and sounds are all around you constantly bombarding you with things to buy and see.
You have only to make a conscious effort to suppress the things that are of no value to you, such as spending your money on impulse items.
When you start applying the principals of subliminal messaging you will learn to control the subliminal process and apply those things that will bring happiness to your life. You can learn to control your anger, fear, frustration and learn how others affect you and your daily life.
There is nothing to fear about subliminal messaging it is normal and it is a part of you. You owe it to your self to investigate and learn how this remarkable part of your brain functions. The more you learn about subliminal messaging you will understand how easily it is to control your life.
Go to subliminal message and make your selection from the library of videos that will show you how to improve your powerful seduction, make money while you sleep, balanced presence of mind, preparation for power, How to make $100,000 in 30 days if that is what you want.
Just let the subliminal messages come through tonight and enjoy them in the morning. I know you will be an improved you in what ever you choose. It is your decision to improve your life.
Waddie is retired and enjoys writing on subjects that is interesting and unusual. You can visit waddie s
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Learn who to use subliminal messages in every day life