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Submitted by: Pat Munro
A few years ago, after a long illness I was introduced to a book by Dr. Ann Wigmore about wheatgrass juice. I must admit it seemed a little too easy an alternative to taking medication. Juicing and drinking grass, the thought seemed ridiculous until I read Anns books Be your own doctor and The Wheatgrass Book.
Firstly, Ill tell you a bit about Dr. Ann Wigmore. She was born in Cropos, Lithuania on March 4, 1925. As a young girl she hid and survived alongside her grandmother during the German, Russian occupation which lasted two years. With no provisions left, they ate on mostly long grasses during that time, along with roots and tree bark. Her survival rested on these few foods. At the young age of 16, she moved to Massachusetts in America to join her parents. She married and had a baby girl, then divorced in 1955. This is when everything changed for Dr. Wigmore. In poor health, she began using chlorophyll from weeds and wheatgrass juice to heal herself, and it worked. Thus began 35 years of learning and promoting natural healing, and in 1963 she opened The Hippocrates Health Institute, in 1985 the Ann Wigmore foundation was begun. Over her long-lived career she toured with lectures, writings and giving wheatgrass demonstrations to over 35 countries. Ann Wigmore’s contribution as a humanitarian, educator, writer, and tireless promoter of natural health to our lives is astounding.
The chlorophyll of wheatgrass is used by the body as a cleanser, rebuilder and neutralizer of toxins. Scientists have studied wheatgrass and have isolated over one hundred elements from the fresh wheatgrass juice and concluded that it is a complete food. Fifteen pounds of fresh wheatgrass juice is equivalent in nutritional value to 350 pounds of the freshest vegetables. Wheatgrass chlorophyll constitutes the greatest blood cleanser and builder known. It is rapidly assimilated into the body because its composition is similar to the hemoglobin molecule in the blood. It can actually save a life when oral feeding is impossible.
Wheatgrass seeds can be found at most herbal and natural food stores. Soak the seeds for ten to twelve hours, then drain and sprout for another twelve hours. Then place a similarly sized tray over top in order to keep the light out and the moisture in. Four days later remove the top tray and water the green, keeping them in the light and watered daily. Once the grass has grown to about seven inches high (about seven days), they can be cut just above ground level. You can grow this anywhere, even an apartment windowsill.
To extract the juice you must either gnaw it, or use a slow action meat grinder. Do not use a blender, the fast acting blades oxidize the chlorophyll. The chlorophyll must be used immediately after extraction for maximum benefit. This is due to the juice being perishable and starts to deteriorate immediately after extraction.
The grass itself can be kept in the refrigerator immediately after harvesting for up to a week, and still be potent.
I have been growing, juicing and drinking for over a year now, and I feel fantastic. It takes a while to get use to the taste-yuck. I tried mixing it with juices I like such as orange or pineapple, but it just tainted my love for those juices. I found its best to just go for it. All I need is one shot glass full in the morning and my day gets started. I suggest wheatgrass juice to all my friends, some try some dont, such is life. I highly suggest trying it in your life. It wont kill you and will make you stronger. Good luck.
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